5 Tips for a Healthy Morning Routine

Start your day healthy & keep it going all day long.

There’s no doubt this past year has been crazy, and I truly hope you are doing well. I try my best to find the silver lining in hard situations. So within all of the messiness this year has been, I have learned new things about myself. One being – I appreciate mornings more than ever. Mornings can be the most productive part of the day because your mind is fresh without yet being overloaded with a full day of tasks. Starting your day healthy is an important factor in setting the tone for healthy habits throughout the rest of the day.

Once my grad school classes went online last spring, I spent so much time at home working on assignments and personal goals. I quickly appreciated mornings and looked forward to them every day because of the new habits I picked up. Here are 5 tips for a healthy morning routine I now use to kick start my day for greater productivity and well-being:

Workout first thing

Get up & get moving! Knocking out a workout first thing in the morning gets your metabolism started and increases brain functions. It also allows you to worry less about when you’ll have time to exercise later in the day. I also enjoy working out in the evenings, but there’s something about completing a workout in the morning that makes you feel accomplished the rest of the day.

Drink lots of water

Drink lots of water in the morning. I try to drink at least 16 oz. of water in the morning before I start my day. This helps me begin the day hydrated, and reminds me to continue drinking water throughout the rest of the day. I usually fill a water bottle and take it with me wherever I go.

Read a devotional, meditate, or pray

Starting the day off with an uplifting message is so important to me. It’s just as important to care for yourself emotionally as it is physically – if not more. I would consider myself a rather “deep” person. I love inspiring messages that make me think about how I can keep improving myself. Every day for the past year, I have been reading this devotional, and I love the messages about being more confident and less fearful. Take the time to clear your mind and think about then express what is on your heart and mind.

Eat a healthy breakfast

Again, starting the day with a healthy, fueling breakfast will set the tone for healthy eating the rest of the day. For every breakfast, I try to include carbs and protein. An example breakfast of mine would be coffee, two egg whites, a slice of wheat toast, and a cup of strawberries. I also enjoy a protein shake after my workouts. I plan to post more about my food choices + recipes in the future.

Write a to-do list

Lastly, make a to-do list containing everything you hope to accomplish for the day. Not only does this make you feel more organized, but it prioritizes what needs to get done so you have greater productivity. And checking items off your list is a great feeling!

I am a firm believer that starting off your mornings healthy, positive, and motivated is the best way to start the trend for the rest of the day. Remember that it is not always easy to have a productive morning. Some days it’s easier, and even better, to sleep in and not worry about hitting everything on your checklist right away. Let me know some of your favorite morning routines! I love hearing from you. Blessings to you all.

xo, Megan